Join us for Prayer & Intercession on Saturdays "Live" at 6 am EST Join us for Bible Study & Service on Saturdays "Live" between 4-6 pm EST "Lives" are streamed from our Facebook Page so "Like" or "Follow" the link 

Service Schedule & Times TBT Weekly  



Grace & Peace,

Spreading Truth Ministry originated in 2009 through prayer and by the leading of the Holy Ghost. It was inspired by the commission in God’s word and a desire to spread the truth which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The focus is to spread God's truth through relevant topics via blogs, links, videos, online tracks, and Bible scripture. The ministry can be reached through the website, email, Facebook, Twitter, Periscope, Instagram, and YouTube. There is no particular location that houses this ministry, however, pray that the will of the Lord be done and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ continue to be spread.

You are welcome to this site. Feel free to browse, share, and connect. In addition, if you need prayer feel free to send a request under the contact tab. You did not discover this website by mistake. Every thing happens for a reason. God has a purpose and a plan, and I pray that God's will be done. May the blessings of the Lord be upon you, and thank you for visiting! 


All seeds can be sow to the ministry PayPal account below. 


Thank you in advance & God bless you 100 fold!!

Scripture Shout!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only 
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish 
but have everlasting life. 
~John 3:16

Contact info.

Feel free to email comments, questions, testimonies and/or prayer requests to We will respond as soon as possible. God bless!

Please Read

If you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, now is the acceptable time. Pray, confess your sins, repent (turn or stop sinful practices), ask God to come into your heart, tell someone about your decision to accept Christ as your personal savior, and do what you know is right. Attend a church or fellowship that teaches and preaches the Word of God so that you may grow spiritually and share your testimony. In addition, read God's word (Bible) and seek to be baptized by water and by God's spirit (Acts 2: 4). May God strengthen and keep you is my prayer. And the blessings of the Lord be upon you in your new life in Jesus Christ. Amen

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